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This modern design with its stunning show wood frame incorporates plush horizontal flutes of fabric to add an element of depth and luxury to your bedroom. Miro will compliment any bed, but is particularly suited to our Beethoven and Corelli bed bases. Available in a variety of sizes.
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Size | select a size

BASE PRICE £1225.00

BASE PRICE £1260.00

BASE PRICE £1280.00

BASE PRICE £1395.00

BASE PRICE £1405.00

BASE PRICE £1525.00

BASE PRICE £1900.00

BASE PRICE £1500.00

BASE PRICE £1630.00

BASE PRICE £2020.00
Fabric | we have 1000s of fabrics to choose from or you can supply your own
Alternatively, use your own fabric by selecting the last option within any of the above tones.
Wood | select a wood finish
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